Oh boy…literally

So, I took the plunge and joined Match.com. Well friends, men started coming out of the woodwork, and I’m not even talking about Match.com.

Driving home from work today (going 85MPH mind you) there was a guy, literally hanging out of his window trying to get my attention. Oh, did I mention he was DRIVING!? Craziness. On the bright side, he had an absolutely breathtaking smile and thus, I had a big grin on my face all the way home.

To make matters even more interesting, person Y, who I thought had finally gotten the message I wasn’t interested, just texted me. And to add to that…I’ve been getting some rather interesting vibes from a co-worker, who I supervise. Talk about a massive no-no.

Do we send out pheromones or something signaling we are open and available? I don’t know what’s going on. I just wish the one I’m waiting for would find me. I starting to feel ready for it….

At least, I think so.


Diving In To Match.com

Yep, I did.

Well, I’m considering doing it. There’s currently a profile with my picture, but I haven’t paid. However, in 24 hours, I’ve managed to get over a dozen “likes”, over 80 views, and 8 emails. So, I’m asking you, my dear readers, for some advice.

Have you ever used Match.com? How did it work out for you? Would you recommend paying for a month to try it out?

Feel free to share your story! I’m all ears. =)

So She Did

Hello long lost reader!

It’s been quite a long time since I last posted. I apologize! Life picked up so quickly and to be quite honest, I didn’t have the energy in me to write. Sometimes there are just no words for what you’re feeling.

As my twenty-second year of life is coming to a close, I’ve looked towards twenty-three with a slight grimace, along with a hopeful longing. I’ve learned so much this year, and I want to continue that personal growth and stability as I continue on in life.

Many areas of my life are coming together in beautiful ways. My home is finally rented to an amazing tenant (Praise God!), the anti-sex trafficking organization I volunteer for is getting closer to opening their restoration home, and work…has had some huge challenges the last few months, but we’re finally seeing a light at the end of that dark tunnel.


Today, I didn’t know how to handle myself. I felt angry and as if I could cry at the drop of a hat. I told the Lord I wanted 6 months free of men. I didn’t want to be interested in anyone and I didn’t want anyone interested in me. The end of this month, will be the conclusion of that prayer. However, there is a part of me that feels like I’m missing out. I want that best friend, partner, confidant. I want to love and be loved, passionately and deeply by my better half. My family is amazing, but there is that deep longing for more. On the other side of things though, I’ve truly enjoyed being single. I’ve had plenty of time to dedicate to things I love, people I love, and passions I’ve only dreamed about pursuing.

And in moments like this, I just need to freeze. I close my eyes and think about all that God has done for me. In twenty-two years of life, God has blessed me with a college degree, a beautiful home I own and rent, no debt other than my mortgage, an incredible job working with the best people on the planet making more than I ever could have imagined making at this age.

Then my breaths begin to go back to normal. I am right where I am supposed to be. It’s okay to still be growing. I’m young, I have time. Until your last breathe on this earth, you STILL have time.

As my heart rate begins to feel normal, I smile and consider the fact I should bring this to a close. I shall leave you with this pictured quote below:

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Go get ’em reader. The world is at your fingertips.

I’m cheering for you!

Preparing To Wait

I’ve had this little post sitting in my drafts and thought it was time I share. It was revelation to me, and I hope it is for you too. =)


It’s the little things I’m thankful for. I have consistent reminders of being an adult – things like bills, mortgage payments, a career, a degree. I see friends getting engaged and we have the talks about all the things we girls want in our man. But last night, I realized something.

Do the men talk about what they want in a future wife? Do they say, “I want a woman who is pure, who knows how to cook and clean, who will raise Godly and smart children.” For the first time possibly, it hit me that I’m really preparing myself to be the best I can be for my future spouse. I’ve thought of this in ways before, but last night was a different type of revelation.

This waiting season is a time of preparation. It should not be waiting while doing nothing. It’s a time of growth for me – personally, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

Someday, I will be a wife and a mother. Am I ready for that now? If I were to be honest, I’d say no. I’m not. But right now, I have the ability to read, grow, meditate, talk to those wiser and older, and time to mature in the ways I need to, in order to be the best wife and mother I have the capacity of being.

Waiting shouldn’t be boring. It should be exciting and joyous, because each day you wait and prepare, brings you one step closer to the reward of your preparation.

Happy Friday reader – may you always know that waiting and preparation are never in vain.




A Taste of Spring

I am convinced, there is nothing like grilling on a warm Spring day.

Recently, my family and I had our first grill of the year. It was AMAZING. Pictured below, you’ll see my favorite dish of the day.

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Just in case you’re wondering what we had, it was: Broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, peppers, and onions seasoned with oil and a sprinkle of garlic powder. OH. MY. GOODNESS was it good!!

Spring is definitely one of my favorite seasons. It’s so much easier to eat healthy and enjoy the gorgeous outdoor weather.

What are some of your favorite things about Spring?



It’s been a while. And I apologize.

Life has been way too hectic and it’s finally coming to a more peaceful season.

I’ve been thinking about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. (I kid you not.) I finally feel like I’ve reached a true place of contentment with being single. I’m fulfilled in my relationship with God. I’ve conquered addictions and have grown in the areas I’ve considered to be character flaws. I like who I’ve become. And I’m proud of that fact.

I look back to the person I was two years ago. Heck, even a year ago. I was broken, miserable, crushed, heartbroken, and my self-esteem was in the toilet. Current day, I’m quite content with who I’ve become. I work to keep myself in shape and looking professional, but I’m happy with myself. It’s not about what I weigh or if every piece of hair is in place. Goals are good. Perfection? Not so much.

Lately, I’ve gotten this question of “Are you seeing anyone?” or “Anyone special in your life?” and it makes me want to scream, “I DON’T NEED A MAN TO BE COMPLETE. I AM MY OWN PERSON.” People seem to think if you’re twenty-two and single there is something wrong with you.

I have news for you folks, maybe I’m happier without a man than with one. Don’t get me wrong, I want to get married and have children. I desire the safety and affection found in a loving man’s arms. BUT! That is not what completes me.

I wish people grasped that. And for Pete’s sake, please stop asking me about someone who hasn’t even walked into my life yet and just simply ask how I am. Believe me, I’ll share when the times comes – gladly!

Maybe you’ve been through this before. Well meaning people, who love you and care, think that what you need is a man (or woman if you’re a male reading my blog – welcome!). One of these days, I might just let someone have it.

Until then, you get to hear this friendly fire. I hope you relate!

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Stressful Situations


I’m in such a funky mood today. From the moment I woke up, to church, to coming home and running some errands…I just haven’t been myself.

I feel like I am under such tremendous stress. My place of work has been rather crazy. The organization I volunteer for has started getting busier. I’m helping out at my church in a few different places. I’m trying to ensure I spend time with my family, all the while trying to take care of things at my investment property.

Oh. My. Word.

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I feel like my head is just going to start spinning. My heart rate has been up as of late, and it feels rather regular that I am needing to just sit still and breathe. I’ve taken to working out 3 times a week as that has helped lower my stress level, but in doing so, I hurt my ankles and knees. So now I’ve got that added on top of everything else.

I don’t mean to complain, so I apologize if it sounds that way. I just don’t feel like I have enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I need to.

What are some ways you maximize your time? Anything specific you do that helps relieve stress or allows you to see things more clearly?

I could use some advice. =)


Thank God It’s Friday

My deepest apologies for the lack of posts as of late. I can’t even begin to describe the busyness. I’ll do my best though in a future post if you like. 😀

For now, let’s jump and dance together as we shout, “TGIF!!”

Screen shot 2014-04-04 at 4.39.44 PMI don’t know about you, but I’m loving me some Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Now I just need to learn the Carlton dance….

I’m in dire need of a day off and relaxation. My body is counting down the days to the sun, a tan, and the beach. For now though, I’ll settle for the fact that I’m 17 minutes away from work ending for the week.

Happy Friday reader! And HAPPY HAPPY WEEKEND!