Stressful Situations


I’m in such a funky mood today. From the moment I woke up, to church, to coming home and running some errands…I just haven’t been myself.

I feel like I am under such tremendous stress. My place of work has been rather crazy. The organization I volunteer for has started getting busier. I’m helping out at my church in a few different places. I’m trying to ensure I spend time with my family, all the while trying to take care of things at my investment property.

Oh. My. Word.

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I feel like my head is just going to start spinning. My heart rate has been up as of late, and it feels rather regular that I am needing to just sit still and breathe. I’ve taken to working out 3 times a week as that has helped lower my stress level, but in doing so, I hurt my ankles and knees. So now I’ve got that added on top of everything else.

I don’t mean to complain, so I apologize if it sounds that way. I just don’t feel like I have enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I need to.

What are some ways you maximize your time? Anything specific you do that helps relieve stress or allows you to see things more clearly?

I could use some advice. =)